Tag: Guest Author

From up-and-coming business leaders to experienced CEOs, read business insights and corporate stories by our EME Outlook guest authors.

Benoit Gruber: Top Tips for Cross-Continent Business

Benoit Gruber, Vice President of Corporate Communications, Sage Enterprise Market & Sage X3 offers his top tips for cross-continent business.

Benoit Gruber

Waste Not Want Not : Managing Food Waste in Business

The Waste and Resources Action Programme (WRAP) suggests 4.2 million tonnes of food went to waste in the UK in 2012 alone. 

Andrew Fowkes

How Telecoms are Shooting Down Skype with VoLTE Technology

VoLTE kills two birds with one stone by lowering their costs as well as offering higher quality and new services to end consumers.

Jakob Sand

Managing Risk Beyond The Walls Of Your Own Company

Philip Johnson of FM Global talks to us about the importance of managing risk, especially beyond the walls of your own company.

Philip Johnson

Mind the Capacity Gap : The Future of the UK Energy Landscape

The UK has the ability to develop and deliver vast quantities of distributed generation that can reduce overall costs to the end consumers.

Tim Emrich

Mind the Capacity Gap : The Changing Energy Landscape

The energy landscape of the UK is changing, and presenting new challenges for UK energy security for its low-carbon objectives.

Tim Emrich

Mind the Capacity Gap : Generation and Demand

The capacity gap between UK power generation and demand has never been so narrow, with both demand and supply fluctuating wildly.

Tim Emrich