Tag: Guest Author

From up-and-coming business leaders to experienced CEOs, read business insights and corporate stories by our EME Outlook guest authors.

Qatar’s Quest to Innovate for the Future

Innovation and technology development are vital to addressing Qatar’s priorities – climate change and environmental sustainability, water security, cybersecurity, and precision medicine.

Carla Johnson : Zombie Apocalypses, Gorillas and Innovation

Carla Johnson speaks to us about the importance of innovation as a driver for growth, which she illustrates with gorillas and zombies.

Carla Johnson

How Tesla Got It Right : A Conversation With Accenture

Eric Schaeffer and David Sovie, Senior Managing Directors at Accenture, talk to a former Tesla employee about a new generation of smart vehicles.

Competition and Collaboration in the Financial Sector

Igor Pejic, Head of Marketing at BNP Barnabas PF AT, talks to us about the relationship between competition and collaboration in the financial sector.

Igor Pejic

Salesforce : Tackling the UK Digital Skills Gap

Ebony Frelix, Executive Vice President and Chief Philanthropy Officer of Salesforce, talks to us about the growth of tech roles and the importance of digital literacy for the next generation of workers.

Ebony Frelix

The Export Opportunities in Saudi Arabia

Simon Penny, His Majesty’s Trade Commissioner for the Middle East, Afghanistan and Pakistan at the Department for International Trade, talks to us about growing export opportunities in Saudi Arabia.

Simon Penney

How to Get the Best Deals from an Opened Up Business World

The world has opened up for business like almost never before in the past decade but with every opportunity comes risk.

Antoun Massaad

North Sea Rigs : Boosting Value Creation

North Sea Rigs is facing equipment and safety challenges head-on with three new rigs soon to be introduced to the market.

Morten Helliesen

Creative Strategies to Navigate Erratic Energy Economics

The bearish tentacles of low oil prices have stretched far and wide in the global business sector in what is a particularly uncomfortable chapter in an age-old story.

Michelle Meineke

Iran Shifts Tactics to Lock-in Global Energy Allies

The new approach of Iran for its building energy allies is being revealed, as the former powerhouse staggers back onto the global stage.

Daniel Colover