Euro Manganese Inc.
Jan Votava, Managing Director of Magnan Chvaletice s.r.o., the Czech subsidiary of Canadian company Euro Manganese Inc., discusses the company’s Chvaletice Manganese Project and its goal of becoming the leading, competitive and environmentally superior primary producer of ultra-high purity Manganese products in Europe.
Kaolin EAD : Mining in Bulgaria
Dr Wolf Harlfinger, who has served as CEO at Kaolin since 2013, discusses the state of mining in Bulgaria today.
Premogovnik Velenje (Velenje Coal Mine)
Premogovnik Velenje (Velenje Coal Mine) continues to supply vital coal to Slovenia’s energy mix, the operation representing one of the most sophisticated in Europe, with plans afoot to ensure its long-term future.
Salrom : Salt of the Earth
Salrom is Romania’s largest salt producer, but it also offers unique saline tourism excursions into the country’s disused mines.
Coal Mine Pljevlja : Mining for Montenegro
As the Balkan nation develops its economy and bids for membership of the European Union by 2025, the transformed mining operation based near Pljevlja continues to power progress.
European Mining Convention: European Mining Goes Global
The European Mining Convention (EMC 2019) is an international mining conference and exhibition that will take place at The Convention Centre Dublin, Ireland on December 3-4.
ESS Engineering Software Steyr Debuts at Mining Investment London Conference
The Mining Investment London Conference and Exhibition, part of the global Mining Investment Conference Series, will be returning to London for a third time from September 19-20, 2019
Event preview: MINEX Europe Mining & Exploration Forum
The fourth MINEX Europe Mining & Exploration Forum will take place in Sofia, Bulgaria on June 25-27, 2019 under central theme ‘The Future of Sustainable Mining in the Balkans and Beyond’.
Mining Investment Europe : John Reade Named Keynote Speaker
John Reade, Chief Market Strategist and Managing Director of Research at World Gold Energy Council, has been named as the Mining Investment Europe Keynote Speaker.
Event preview: Future of Mining EMEA
The Future of Mining EMEA conference takes place in London from June 26-27 2019