Issue 5

Previder : Low Cost, High Quality

Previder has gone from strength to strength since its acquisition by the Odin Group, and is now looking to introduce its solutions internationally.

Editorial Team

Argos Energies : The Netherlands’ Fastest Growing Oil Company

Argos Energies intends to use its extensive market experience and knowledge to keep ahead of this industry curve.

Barco Fredrikstad : Globally Renowned Innovators in Visualisation

Barco Frederikstad is a brand that is known as a leader in its field, boasting state-of-the-art equipment and testing facilities.

Editorial Team

Fjord Line : Propelling Energy Efficient Shipping

An award-winning company known for its energy-efficiency commitments, Fjord Line has experienced rapid expansion of its passenger and cargo business in recent years.

Editorial TeamTom Cullum

FM Logistic : Demandingness, Drive, Entrepreneurship

FM Logistic continues to expand its supply chain footprint and offering in line with its core internal values for customer satisfaction.

Rigshospitalet : Denmark’s Medical Specialists

Rigshospitalet will continue in its efforts to remain the preferred choice for patients in need of highly specialised treatment.

Christo Botes : How to Grow Your Business

Christo Botes says that while some mistakes can sometimes be fatal to a business, they also teach entrepreneurs very important lessons. 

Editorial Team

Lafarge Shares Drop amid Holcim Deal Dispute

Shares in French cement group, Lafarge have fallen by around two percent following disputes with Swiss merger partner, Holcim.

Editorial Team

Adidas Turnaround Plan Brings Production Back to Europe

Adidas has outlined a new strategy that includes manufacturing some of its apparel in Europe rather than Asia.

Editorial Team

Costa Rica is Fossil Fuel Free for 75 Days

According to the Costa Rican Electricity Institute (ICE), Costa Rica didn't burn fossil fuels for the first 75 days of 2015.

Editorial Team

Telefónica Agrees Sale of O2 to Hutchison Whampoa

Hutchison Whampoa Limited (HWL), parent company Three, has entered into an agreement with Telefónica to buy its UK subsidiary, O2 UK.

Editorial Team

Holcim and Lafarge Deal Re-Emerges

Europe's two largest cement companies Holcim and Lafarge have rescued their stumbling €41 billion ($43.82) merger.

Editorial Team

Waste Not Want Not : Managing Food Waste in Business

The Waste and Resources Action Programme (WRAP) suggests 4.2 million tonnes of food went to waste in the UK in 2012 alone. 

Andrew Fowkes

Mobile World Congress : The Must-See Gadgets

Mobile World Congress retains its title as one of the key technology events where captains of industry showcase news and innovations.

Editorial Team

Managing Risk Beyond The Walls Of Your Own Company

Philip Johnson of FM Global talks to us about the importance of managing risk, especially beyond the walls of your own company.

Philip Johnson

More Customers, More Staff, Less Costs : Top Priorities for UK Businesses

Increasing the size of their customer base, employing more people and cutting costs are the three most important business goals for UK SMEs.

Editorial Team