PayExpo Europe : Making Transactions Easier and More Secure

Editorial Team
Making financial transactions faster

PayExpo Europe, the UK’s largest payment technology conference and exhibition, will return to ExCel London on 7-8 June, 2016. As new developments drive continual change in the vital area of payments, the event is an essential source of news and insight for anyone involved in making financial transactions faster, easier and more secure.

PayExpo Europe attracts more than 2,000 attendees from retailers, banks, MNOs, gaming operators, governments and local authorities, transport operators and solution providers. Held in London, the FinTech capital of the world, delegates can share insight, best practice and innovation about the future of payments and transaction technology and their impact on global commerce.

The comprehensive two-day conference will feature expert speakers from leading organisations including Citibank, Samsung Pay, Waitrose, Amazon, The British Retail Consortium and The Digital Currency Council.

Delegates will also have access to a wide ranging exhibition featuring market leaders and exciting new innovators. They can take part in practical implementation workshops, hear industry experts debate key issues in the Payments Punch-Up and watch competitors pitch in the Payments Dragons’ Den.

This year’s event will have many new features; including The Wearables Zone and The Banking Innovation Hub, while in The Payments Prediction Panel, hand-picked payment pioneers will forecast what the payments industry can expect over the next 12 months

Additionally, The Merchants Payment Experience will form a dedicated area for retailers to preview the store of the future, including how beacon technology can be integrated and monetised.

At The Payments Navigation Hub, delegates will receive expert advice in generating a bespoke programme itinerary and the CEO and VIP lounge will welcome more than 1,000 C-level executives from across the European payments industry.

Complimentary passes are available for those involved with specifying payments solutions at: banks, retailers, mobile network operators, gaming executives, transport operators, hotel and leisure executives, start-ups* and government authorities.

20% discount** for EME Outlook readers. Quote promo code ‘EMEO20’ when registering online.

*Start-ups must meet the following criteria: must be less than 24 months old, less than £1m turnover and not have exhibited at PayExpo before.

**Discount applies to new bookings only


WHEN: 7-8 June, 2016

WHERE: ExCeL London, UK



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