MEIF 2016 Names Best Performing Insurance Company

Editorial Team
Best Performing Insurance Company Named at Middle East Flagship Forum

Last week, the 12th annual Middle East Insurance Forum (MEIF 2016) recognised excellence within the Middle East’s insurance industry at a high profile Gala Luncheon in the Gulf Hotel in Bahrain.

Five MEIF Institutional Excellence Awards were granted to the best performing insurance companies within the GCC, Levant and wider Middle East, as well as those in the life and non-life insurance segments. The Awards were delivered by Abdul Rahman Mohammed Al Baker, Executive Director of Financial Institutions Supervision at the Central Bank of Bahrain, the strategic partner of MEIF.

Qatar General Insurance and Reinsurance Co (SAQ) was recognised as the top performing insurance Company in the Overall Middle East and Non-Life (Middle East) categories.

The MEIF Institutional Excellence Awards have been the flagship awards for the region’s insurance industry for the past 12 years.

Speaking at the Gala Luncheon, Ehsan Abbas, Chairman of Middle East Global Advisors, the conveners or MEIF, highlighted the sheer importance of the awards: “This afternoon’s award winners should be commended on the quality and dedication of the management team to serve the Middle East insurance industry while maintaining sound fundamentals.”

The overall winners of the 12th annual Middle East Insurance Awards were:

Overall GCC

Al Ahleia Insurance Co SAKP

Overall Levant

Anadolu Hayat Emeklilik AS

Middle East – Life segment

Bahrain National Holding Co BSC

Middle East – Non Life Insurance Segment

Qatar General Insurance and Reinsurance Co SAQ

Overall Middle East

Qatar General Insurance and Reinsurance Co SAQ

The 13th annual edition of Middle East Insurance Forum will take place in February, 2017. For further updates, visit

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