Pirelli Announced as a Leading Force in Sustainability

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Pirelli Announced as a Leading Force in Sustainability

A recent study based on the DVFA’s (Deutscher Verband der Finanzanalysten) published standard ‘KPIs for ESG 3.0’, has awarded Pirelli 99.60 points (out of a maximum of 100) in the Environmental Sustainability category, 99.0 in the Social category and 97.80 in the Corporate Sustainability category. The results of the study show that no other company in the same sector as Pirelli obtained comparable top values.

The analysis involved approximately 100 ESG indicators, covering the fields of the environment, social responsibility and governance (ESG).

Conducted by Sustainalytics, the study is designed to assess the sustainability of a company’s activities and determine key indicators via a variety of sources such as corporate communications, corporate websites, media reports, information from NGOs, government agencies and direct dialogue with the business itself.

In the area of the environment companies were examined in terms of their ecological footprint, such as whether environmental factors are integrated in the development of products and services, and whether their procurement is sustainable.

Social issues related to the company’s relationship with its customers, suppliers, employees and society in general, and the philanthropic and social activities of the business were also considered; in addition to compliance with the company’s own strategies, business ethics and communication transparency when it came to corporate governance.

The Frankfurt Stock Exchange regularly publishes sustainability indicators to provide investors with the opportunity not only to support responsible company management, but complement and support growth in these markets. 

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