Energy & Utilities

Latest Energy & Utilities sector features, company profiles, and executive interviews from across Europe and the Middle East.

Latest Energy & Utilities Corporate Stories

Tenaga Nasional Berhad (TNB) : Better Brighter

Tenaga Nasional Berhad aims to be among the leading corporations in energy and related businesses on a global platform.

Vestforbraending : The Value of Waste

Vestforbrænding’s responsibility as Denmark’s leading waste management company is being bet by an unwavering commitment to social enrichment and engagement.

Editorial Team

GCC Interconnection Authority : Interconnecting Our World

The GCC Interconnection Authority is inspired by the principles of the Gulf Cooperation Council, tackling the need to foster links in trade.

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Contamination Expo

More than 3,500 contamination professionals will head to Birmingham's NEC for the Contamination Expo Series 2018 in September.

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Flood Expo 2018

More than 5,000 professionals working in flood prediction, prevention, resilience and rescue will flock to Birmingham's NEC in September.

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Marine & Coastal Civil Engineering Expo

Running on the 12th & 13th September, the Marine & Coastal Civil Engineering Expo is the UK’s largest and most influential event of its kind.

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2018 Flood Expo Partners with EME Outlook

Join EME Outlook and more than 2,500 industry professionals on 12-13 September at the NEC, Birmingham for The Flood Expo, the largest flood exhibition of its type.

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M&CCE 2018 Reveals Renewed EME Outlook Partnership

M&CCE, the highly anticipated event, will be returning on 12-13 September and will be taking place at the NEC Birmingham, the show’s brand-new location for 2018.

Editorial Team

eurelectric Power Summit Watt’s Next 2018

eurelectric’s Power Summit Watt’s Next taking place on 4-5 June in Ljubljana, Slovenia is the ultimate forum where major utility CEOs, leaders of change and industry captains will challenge and shape new business strategies.

Editorial Team

Global Power & Energy Exhibition (GPEX) 2018

This year’s Global Power & Energy Leaders’ Summit is taking place at the Global Power & Energy Exhibition (GPEX) 2018, in Spain.

Editorial Team