Energy & Utilities

Latest Energy & Utilities sector features, company profiles, and executive interviews from across Europe and the Middle East.

Latest Energy & Utilities Corporate Stories

Windhoist : Winds of Change

Wind turbine installations are a breeze for Windhoist, whose Managing Director, Euan Fenelon, highlights some key onshore and offshore projects.

German Solar Association (BSW) : Spotlight

Germany is full speed ahead on the European solar-coaster. We speak with the German Solar Association (BSW) to discuss future ambitions.

World Hydrogen Italy

World Hydrogen Italy is collaborating with the E-Talia Summit in Milan to provide three days of networking and strategising for Italy’s clean future.

Ed Budds

Sumitomo SHI FW : Driving the Energy Transition 

We speak to Tomas Harju-Jeanty, CEO of Sumitomo SHI FW (SFW), and discuss the company’s mission to pave the way to a decarbonised world.

Geocycle : Zero-Waste Future

Geocycle rethinks waste challenges and provides innovative solutions, as outlined by CEO, Axel Pieters.

Middle East Solar Industry Association (MESIA) : Spotlight

An overview of the growth of renewable energy across the Middle East and Northern Africa, and the increasing exploitation of solar power.

SVEA Solar : Tomorrow’s Energy Company

Leading the green energy transition from Sweden, we speak to Erik Martinson, co-founder and CEO of SVEA Solar, about the company’s efforts towards facilitating a solar future across Europe.

HoSt Bioenergy : Biowaste to Bioenergy

Jelle Klein Teeselink, Managing Director at HoSt Bioenergy, discusses how the company transforms waste into energy and other valuable end-products.

Lahti Energy : Nordic Energy

Providing sustainable district heating in Finland, we speak to Jouni Haikarainen, CEO of Lahti Energy, about the company’s progressively green mission for carbon neutrality.

CIS GAZ : Energising Romania

A family business with ambitious plans for expansion, Sebastian Călugăr, CEO of CIS GAZ reflects on the firm’s development at the forefront of Romania’s oil and gas industry.