Corporate Stories

Latest Corporate Stories and Company Profiles from across Europe and the Middle East.

Corporate Stories & Company Profiles

MEDports Association : Spotlight

Mediterranean maritime trade has deeply impacted global traffic. We follow the ebb and flow of today’s industry with MEDports Association.

Lantmännen Unibake Romania : From Field to Fork

We speak to the Managing Director of Lantmännen Unibake Southeast Europe, Viorel Ognean, about revolutionising the bakery sector.

Poppi BurkeLucy Pilgrim

Swedish MedTech : Spotlight

Foregrounding an advanced player on the global MedTech stage, we put our finger on the pulse of Sweden’s innovation powerhouse.

CWP Global : Making a Decarbonised Southeast Europe a Reality

We speak to the Director of Business Development for Southeast Europe, Nikola Stamenov, about how CWP Global addresses decarbonization.

Vítkovice Steel : Perpetual Steel

We speak to Radek Strouhal, CEO of Vítkovice Steel, about quality metal production and the wider community in the Czech Republic.

Winbro Group Technologies : Vision Engineered

Chris Pinciak, Vice President of Engineering and Sales, outlines the rebranding of Winbro Group Technologies as the manufacturer celebrates its 50th anniversary and diversifies into new industries.

Jack SalterDavid Knott

Bouygues Travaux Publics : Fabricating Solid Future Foundations

As an innovative construction business with a diverse workforce underpinning a creative approach to its extensive project portfolio, Bouygues Travaux Publics is thriving. We explore further with Executive Vice President, Vincent Avrillon.

Ed BuddsRyan Gray

Tirreno Power : Recharging an Energy Renaissance

Rising phoenix-like from the ashes of an intricate economic downturn, we celebrate 20 years of Tirreno Power – the leading Italian electricity provider powering renewable energy production.  General Director, Fabrizio Allegra, explores the three pillars of a successful turnaround.

Connell Privett

KNF Flodos AG : Delivering Unmatched Proficiency

KNF Flodos AG delivers quality engineering, meticulous design, and outstanding innovation in diaphragm pump technology. We discover more with Chief Marketing Officer, Michael Davies.

Ed BuddsNicholas Kernan

LTP Group : Future Facing Textile Manufacturing

Aiming to become a manufacturer that sets the benchmark for consciously crafted textiles and garments, LTP Group is the production partner embodying the marriage between functionality and longevity. We find out more from the co-CEO Executive Management team; CEO and CFO, Jeannett Hvidkjær, CEO for the Furniture Division Henrik Holmgaard Olsson, and CEO for Garment Division, Hans Maasbøl.

Interbrands Orbico

We talk distribution and supply chains and strategic innovations with Ioana Boghenco, General Manager of Interbrands Orbico - Romania’s leading logistics company and distributor of sought-after brands.

Port of Helsinki : The Gateway to Finland

With passenger and cargo traffic recovering at the Port of Helsinki, CEO Ville Haapasaari outlines plans for port infrastructure developments and carbon neutrality.

Knightsbridge Development Corporation : Construction Across Continents

Knightsbridge Development Corporation is championing social housing and large-scale project development from Canada. We speak to Will Smith, President and CEO, about the company’s central mission and its latest developments across the world.

UK Vaping Industry Association (UKVIA) : Spotlight

As the largest growing consumer goods sector in the UK, we tackle the contentious topic of vaping and the pressing need for an evidence-based approach to promote a healthier alternative to smoking.

Swiss Blue Salmon : Smart Aquaculture in the Alps

Recirculating aquaculture systems (RAS) are reshaping the fish farming industry. Ruedi Ryf, CEO, tells us about Swiss Blue Salmon’s plans for the world’s smartest land-based RAS fish farm.

Harry ThurlowJack Salter