Corporate Stories

Latest Corporate Stories and Company Profiles from across Europe and the Middle East.

Corporate Stories & Company Profiles

Annabella Group : Keeping Romania in Good Health 

Annabella Group takes pride in the provenance of products. We unpack the evolution of a Romanian food and drink giant with Marketing Director at Annabella, Alexandru Jitariu.

Alyasra : Feeding Kuwait 

Alyasra is at the centre of helping to improve access to quality food produce across the GCC. We speak to Mohamed Samir, Group CEO of Alyasra, to learn more.

Editorial Team

Lamb Weston/Meijer : From Roots to Happiness 

Adding value to a product of mother nature, we speak to Marc Schroeder, CEO of Lamb Weston / Meijer, the company focused on inspiring and serving customers and consumers with potato products they love and trust.

Editorial Team

Papa John’s UAE : A Slice of Success

With a customer centric focus oven-baked into the company’s operations, Tapan Vaidya, CEO at the UAE master franchise of iconic US pizza giant Papa John’s, talks expansion and consumer-led innovation.

Editorial Team

SLOVMAG, a.s. Lubenik : Materials to Handle the Heat

We speak to Milan Kvetko, Commercial Director of SLOVMAG, a.s. Lubeník, about enhancing the handling and processing of refractories in Slovakia.

thyssenkrupp Industrial Solutions Middle East & Africa

We speak to Dr. Wilfred Barkhuizen, CEO of thyssenkrupp Industrial Solutions Middle East & Africa, about the company’s delivery of industry plants and systems across countries, and its expanding digitalisation in the field.

Sohar Stones : Quarrying for Quality in Oman

Aggregates are used in a variety of applications across global industry. We speak to Jamie McTaggart, General Manager at Sohar Stones LLC, about the company’s operations and expansion in the Oman region.

Saviola Holding : Regenerative Manufacturing

Working solely with 100 percent recycled wood, Saviola Holding and the Composad furniture division embody the circular economy. We peel back the layers with Senior Managing Director, Nicola Negri.

Middle East Solar Industry Association (MESIA) : Spotlight

An overview of the growth of renewable energy across the Middle East and Northern Africa, and the increasing exploitation of solar power.

Heidi Chocolat : Chocolate that Inspires

The executive team at Heidi Chocolat tell us about the sweet taste of success for the chocolatier, where a positive zest of life is the key ingredient.

Jack Salter

Eco Baltia : Leading Environmental Management in Latvia

Across the Baltics, material recycling and waste management is led by a few key operators placing sustainability at the fore. We speak to Māris Simanovics, Group CEO of Eco Baltia, to learn more about the industry.

Desert INK : Context-Driven Places

Creating exciting places with local materials and native plants, desert INK demonstrates what can be achieved when smart, ecological and human-centric thinking is placed at the forefront of the development process.

Chemkostav : Building Since 1996

Celebrating 25 years in the construction sector, we take a look at Chemkostav, and speak to Tibor Mačuga, CEO and Chairman of the Board, about how the firm has changed and what lies ahead.

Camlin Group : Optimising Green Infrastructure

Driven by the twin focus of technological development and sustainable practices, we take a look at Camlin Group and speak to Michael Cunningham, Managing Director of the Camlin Energy division, to learn more.

Editorial Team

ATOS : Decarbonising Digital

Jean-Claude Geha, Global Head of Sales for Telecoms, Media and Technology industry at Atos, discusses acquisitive growth and driving carbon neutrality through digital transformation.