Kunooz Oman

Explore articles, corporate stories and more about Kunooz Oman as featured in EME Outlook, the B2B magazine for Europe and the Middle East.

Latest Kunooz Oman Corporate Stories

Kunooz Oman Holding : Unearthing Oman’s Treasure

Kunooz Oman Holding continues to transition from strength to strength across its mining, quarrying, and logistics projects. We speak to CEO, Naif Al Awaid, about the company’s guiding leadership philosophy and culture of care and improvement.

Thomas ArnoldEd Budds

Kunooz Oman Holding SAOC : Unearthing Treasures

Kunooz Oman Holding SAOC is unleashing the potential of mineral deposits in the Sultanate of Oman. Group CEO, Naif Al Awaid, provides an update on the company’s mining, quarrying and logistics projects.

Eddie ClintonJack Salter

Kunooz Oman : Mining in Oman

We speak to Scott Watson, CEO of Kunooz Oman, about the company’s projects, operations, and future plans within the mining industry in Oman.