Weiss A / S : Turning Scandinavia Green

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Weiss A / S has been one of the continent’s leading pioneers in optimising renewable energies for the best part of a century, bringing the best in efficiency to Denmark and beyond.


Scandinavia’s leading manufacturer of incineration plants is adapting alongside continuous industry progression and innovation to ensure that it’s offering the very best turnkey energy solutions across an ever-expanding European footprint.

Weiss A / S has built a vast amount of experience over the years in optimising companies’ eco status via renewable energy, by streamlining combustion and the usage of each client’s internal utilities; addressing pressing environmental concerns as a consequence.

As EU regulations regarding green processes become more stringent on a seemingly annual basis, the pressure on manufacturing and construction enterprises to optimise this area of operations and to become as efficient as possible has led to a big influx in business for companies like Weiss, and with the Company able to leverage its own production facilities and R&D capabilities, it is well set to capitalise on the trend even more substantially in the future.

“Weiss A / S is a green profile company, with longstanding experience in environmental efficiency and optimising combustion,” the business confirms. “We specialise in waste and biomass combustion solutions with our history dating back decades.

“We deliver all over Europe and often enter into a close dialogue with customers already in the preliminary design phase, so that our long-standing experience finds solutions for the good of their company.”


Weiss develops energy and heating solutions across process steam, hot water and heat production, adopting both a customisable and turnkey approach as part of a flexible business model.

“We offer both simple component supply as well as full turnkey solutions where cooperation occurs from early concept and design stage, through to the final delivery of fully-assembled systems,” the Company explains.

Also incorporating areas of district heating, electricity and cooling under its service portfolio, across systems ranging from 500KW to 30MW, Weiss’ experience in the industry across Europe is unparalleled, as seen through the sheer volume of projects completed.

The Company adds: “Weiss has delivered more than 1,000 energy power plants over the past 90 years; most of them as ready-to-use turnkey projects. By choosing a turnkey solution, everything is planned from start to commissioning, and unforeseen costs are minimised as much as possible.

“We supply our plants to customers all over Europe and are happy to enter constructive dialogues from the initial stage to place our experience base at your disposal.”


The comprehensive array of services and solutions offered by Weiss further enables the Company to take a flexible bespoke approach to finding solutions for customers, but its end goals remain the same in addressing climate change issues and finding more efficient ways to operate.

The Company’s district heating plants help achieve this through the refined distribution of heat from a centralised location to be applied to space or water heating appliances in commercial and residential buildings.

“The growing focus on climate change is forcing a search for new sustainable solutions and district heating plants operating on biomass are an excellent, highly efficient solution to this,” Weiss explains. “Energy recovered from biomass fuels substantially reduces CO2 emissions into the atmosphere while incinerating biomass waste also vastly helps to reduce the demand for landfills.

“Weiss district heating plants based on biomass combustion technology are a state-of-the-art designed and well tested turnkey solution fitted to clients’ specific expectations.”

Biomass forms the crux of Weiss’ activities as a profitable solution where heating processes require large amounts of energy, and the business has worked tirelessly since the turn of the century to refine and introduce new technologies to capitalise fully on the potential that biomass has.

“Up to 70 percent in fuel costs can be saved by using biomass – straw, wood chips, waste from crops, etc – and Weiss designs energy plants tailor-made to customers’ needs and requests,” the Company continues.

“By using biomass instead of gas or other fossil fuels, you not only reduce energy costs, but also plan against future rises in energy costs with a more reliable, fully-automated solution.”

Further proving Weiss’ commitment to blue-sky thinking and introducing innovation to the continent, its adoption of cogeneration technology has been similarly popular among customers looking to prepare for future regulations and energy stipulations.

Weiss states: “CHP or cogeneration technology enables simultaneous production of heat and electricity, producing energy locally and giving the benefit of saving around seven percent of the energy that would normally be lost throughout the transmission and distribution process across a national or local network.”


To fulfil these offerings, Weiss has developed, over the years, a substantial range of products aimed at achieving the levels of energy savings required to be an industry leader in Scandinavia and an operating company on a continental scale.

These products span mobile combustion plants, a mobile pump plant and a steam boiler plant, but its Combicrat Boiler 1-4MW product is arguably the most indicative of the overall Weiss range.

“Weiss Combicrat is a unique biomass compact boiler designed for combustion of a variety of homogenous dry biofuels with a maximum moisture content of 30 percent,” the Company describes. “Due to its compact design it is easy to fit into facilities of limited space, including schools, hotels, warehouses, farms, wood yards and factories.

The system’s benefits include its ease of installation and operation, its reliability and durability, the extent of additional equipment and, most importantly, the low emissions attached with utilising the boiler.

 Systems such as these are regularly adopted across numerous sectors in Scandinavia’s industrial domain and, in some cases, have attracted extensive press coverage given the significance and prominence of the technologies involved.

Noted as “groundbreaking” in Aabybro, the introduction of Weiss’ wood-fired district heating plants were unveiled by the Municipality’s mayor, and described as a “visual landmark” for the region.

Similarly, a new boiler installed in Purmerend, in the Netherlands, lured the attention of King Willem Alexander to open the four chip-fired lines.

The Company’s continental influence has also been seen most recently in Norway through a 7.5MW bio-heating plant; once again emphasising the rate in which Weiss A / S’s solutions are infiltrating the wider industry, as it remains as prepared as ever to react to future global energy developments.

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