GCC Interconnection Authority : Interconnecting Our World
The GCC Interconnection Authority is inspired by the principles of the Gulf Cooperation Council, tackling the need to foster links in trade.
Auto Ribeiro Lda : Quality, Safety, Innovation
Auto Ribeiro now enjoys intercontinental saturation and a six subsidiary-strong structure, that together will facilitate some of the most socially significant manufacturing activities to come out of Europe.
Universal Robots : Enabling and Empowering
Universal Robots has enjoyed an award-winning, ground-breaking 12 months, attaining even higher market shares despite a rise in sector competition.
AUTOMA Congress : Automation and Digitalisation in Oil & Gas
BGS Group has started the registration of companies attending AUTOMA Congress in Berlin, Germany, on 1-2 October.
Contamination Expo
More than 3,500 contamination professionals will head to Birmingham's NEC for the Contamination Expo Series 2018 in September.
Infrastructure Goals for the World Cup
Following on from the 2014 Winter Olympics in Sochi, Russia is playing host to the 2018 football World Cup.
Flood Expo 2018
More than 5,000 professionals working in flood prediction, prevention, resilience and rescue will flock to Birmingham's NEC in September.
Marine & Coastal Civil Engineering Expo
Running on the 12th & 13th September, the Marine & Coastal Civil Engineering Expo is the UK’s largest and most influential event of its kind.